Plantar Fasciitis Treatment, Your Best Options

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the tissue in the bandage that supports the arch of the foot becomes inflamed. The pain gets worse when you get up in the morning and try to get out of bed and take a walk. If left unchecked, pain may worsen over time and you will have to opt for surgery. Don’t wait for this situation to arise. Choose home remedies to relieve pain and get back to normal.

What is the best treatment for plantar fasciitis?

Harvard Medical School believes home remedies are the best cure for plantar fasciitis Singapore. Although you cannot run, jump, or jump, if you suffer from this condition, you should not fully exercise. This will strengthen the fabric of the strap and increase the pain. Today we will discuss some home remedies that you can try anytime for your comfort and convenience.

You need to reduce inflammation. And for this you can choose the following methods:

  • Applying an ice pack: You should apply an ice pack several times a day for at least 15-20 minutes each time. Be sure to apply the bag to the heel of your feet. There is one more thing you can do. Opt for contrast baths. Take two glasses: one with hot water and the other with cold water. Submerge your feet once in cold water and then submerge them in hot water again. Repeat this process for 10-15 minutes to relieve pain.
  • Non-steroidal pain relievers: There are many over-the-counter pain relievers that are quite effective in treating heel pain. Popular pain relievers include ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen.
  • Foot Massage: Deep Tissue Communication is a great cure for plantar fasciitis. Helps relieve pain without increasing inflammation. You can try a different massage technique. Take a golf ball and massage the back of your foot to release tension. This will help stretch the fascia and improve your health.
  • Get plenty of rest: There is nothing better than giving up your active lifestyle. Stop playing sports that can make the pain worse, such as basketball. However, you can swim while recovering.

How long does plantar fasciitis last?

Research shows that the majority of patients (nearly 95%) recover within 6 months of an injury. However, if the pain persists and gets worse over time, see your doctor immediately. Get a thorough evaluation so your doctor can suggest the next treatment step. Your doctor will most likely recommend surgery.

Is there a way to prevent plantar fasciitis?

Taking care of your feet is the first step in preventing plantar fasciitis. Buy the right footwear to avoid discomfort when walking. You can choose the arch support insoles to be inserted into the shoe before wearing. Before going to bed, always stretch your calves and feet so that your muscles don’t wrinkle or tense. Maintain a healthy weight at all times. If you suddenly gain too much weight, your body will lose control and you are bound to stumble and fall.