How To Diagnose Heart Issues?

We are overloaded with work. We go through a lot of stress in our daily life. Somewhere, it harms our heart issues. Let’s check out more about it in a detailed manner.

Blood Tests

Your doctor probably suggests you go for a blood test to check sodium, albumin, potassium and creatinine levels. Here, it needs to mention that abnormal levels can give hints towards issues with organs such as kidneys and liver.

They are possible signs of heart failure. Here, it needs to mention that a blood test can truly help in the context of measuring levels of your cholesterol. It can also help to diagnose different conditions including anaemia, and thyroid diseases which can affect your heart.

Heart Rate

Your doctor will also be feeling your pulse to check your heart rate as well as rhythm. Each pulse aligns with your heartbeat which pumps blood through your arteries. Your london Heart Clinic doctor would be judging your pulse strength, your blood flow as well as blood pressure by following different areas of your body.

You can share how fast your heart beats as well as whether it is continuous by feeling your pulse. Your heart rate is regarded as the number of times your heart beats in 1 minute. Apart from examining your pulse, your doctor will also be paying attention to hearing the opening and closing of your heart valves going with a stethoscope.

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure is regarded as the force of the blood against the walls of your arteries since your heart pumps it all across your body. London Heart Clinic doctors also say that there are two prominent ways to measure.

o   Systolic Blood Pressure It is the pressure available in your arteries when your heart squeezes.

o   Diastolic Blood Pressure It is the pressure available in your blood vessels when your heart gets relaxed between heartbeats.

Talking about the blood pressure for an adult while you are resting, it should be less than 120 over less than 80. To put it in simple words, it should be 120 in the form of systolic pressure. Talking about the diastolic pressure, it is 79.

High blood pressure is also regarded as hypertension which means the reading should be 130/80 or higher. The most important thing is that years of high blood pressure can also lead to stiffness and narrowing of your artery walls which block the blood flow to your heart. It can also lead to heart disease or heart attack.


Though your blood pressure probably goes up or down based on your age, emotions, heart, and activity you take. One high reading does not require you to hold high blood pressure. You are required to measure it following different times while resting to get typical numbers.