Are Podiatrists A Real Doctor?

Podiatrists worldwide still face the question of whether podiatrists are a real doctor is a pity as they study medicine on par or more than the real doctors.  The only difference between the two is the suffix, which is MD for doctors and DPM or Doctor of Podiatric Medicine. Also, they have a rich history dating back to 2400 BC with carvings of feet treatment at the entrance of the Ankmahor’s tomb in Egypt.  There is also proof of them treating from Napoléon to Queen Victoria in the UK and Abraham Lincoln in the US.  It is now more than a century since the opening of their first school for teaching the DPM studies at the London Foot Hospital.  The first society for chiropodists, now known as podiatrists, was formed in 1912 in London. Though podiatrists do not go to regular medical colleges, they have their course of medical study of over ten years.  With so much glorious past for the podiatrists at stake, please continue reading to know why podiatrists are real doctors with their present treatments. 

The foot problems treated  by podiatrist worthing 

Apart from treating millions of people in the NHS, podiatrist Worthing offers the best treatment for the feet equal to that of real doctors.  People in Worthing, which is a seaside town in West Sussex, England come to the podiatrist for most of their foot problems that include others.

  • Foot pain
  • Tinea Pedis or Athlete’s foot
  • Gout
  • Sole scaling & peeling
  • Warts & other such growths
  • Discolored or thick toenails
  • Nail pain & infections
  • Cracks & cuts in the skin

The best treatment of podiatrist worthing

For treating all the above foot issues, including Verrucae among others, podiatrist worthing is not less than real doctors.  With enough experience and qualifications, podiatrists help to reduce painful conditions like hip bursitis, plantar fasciitis, frozen shoulder, among others. They are also specialists to treat sports injuries with high pulse laser treatment for tissue issues.  For multiple foot issues, podiatrists give Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy to trigger natural healing responses. 

Reasons for podiatrists to be real doctors

Forbes in 2007 listed podiatry as the 15th best-paid profession. Thousands of podiatrists treat millions of people with millions of podiatry treatments every year in the NHS or National Health Service.  It is because of their studying three years of biology for under graduation. They follow it up with studying for four years in DPM colleges and training for three years as resident doctors.  They also learn further for three years to specialize and perform surgeries. 

Hence it is unfair to say that podiatrists as not real doctors with the rise of diabetes and other diseases to affect the foot, the demand for podiatrists Worthing is rising now.