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What To Do If You Notice Unusual Hair Loss

Hair loss affects millions of men and women of all ages and premature hair loss, which can come on at any time, can be caused by a number of conditions. Pregnancy can cause hair loss, which is due to a hormone imbalance, and the woman often experiences large clumps of hair falling out on a daily basis, but normally, this is a temporary condition and normal hair growth resumes a short while later. If you notice unusual amounts of hair on your pillow in the morning, or in the shower, this is a sure sign of hair loss, and here is some helpful advice on what to do next.

It might seem like the end of the world if you suddenly experience hair loss, but with modern solutions that are both effective and affordable, it need not make any difference to a woman’s lifestyle. The treatment would be tailored to suit the individual, and with ongoing support, even permanent hair loss is treatable.

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